Monday 26 August 2013

Miley, where did it all go wrong?!

Miley Cyrus: Disney star, pop princess, and most recently, serial attention seeker.

Her peformance with Robin Thicke at the MTV VMAs caused more than a few raised eyebrows last night, with even wild child Willow Smith gasping at Miley's onstage antics. Writhing around the stage and gyrating on Thicke, the Hannah Montana star certainly has changed her image over the past year from squeaky clean to downright embarrassing.

Imitating the Blurred Lines video, Miley stripped down to flesh coloured underwear, proceeding to grab her crotch, dance suggestively on Thicke and just generally act like a downtown stripper who's probably popped a few too many molly's.

Where has this hip hop honey image emerged from? Why is Miley tweaking when she has the body of a pre-pubescent teenager? It was only recently that she was twerking on stage with Juicy J whilst dollar bills were being thrown on-stage at her. Classy.

I'm really not sure what Miley's publicists and stylists are trying to achieve, but they're sure as hell doing a confusing job. I bet that this performance was nothing but a PR stunt on Thicke's behalf-  gaining attention to his performance by using the new fascination with Cyrus and her sudden love of hip hop. Ok.

Of course the hip hop industry and half naked women go hand in hand- that's the way it will always be- but there is something so strange and forced about Miley. And no, it's not because of her race or skin-tone- think of Coco, Iggy Azalea and Amber Rose. I think this is just a quick boost to get her music career lifted and to forget her squeaky clean past, because let's face it, who really remembers the good girls in the industry? Whatever this transition is, I pray to God that it stops soon. I've had enough of Miley and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on that one!

(Pictures from MailOnline)


  1. in this way she wants to promote her new album lol :))

    1. This is probably true... I just can't stand this sudden transformation! So fake!
